Healthy eyes


Healthy eyes, healthy diet and smart look are the three pillars which will help you to keep your eyes looking young for longer.

It is important to maintain good health in order to have healthy eyes. You should eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. You should also drink enough water every day so as to keep your body hydrated.

You should also wear sunglasses whenever possible when you go out in the sun because sun rays can damage your skin and cause wrinkles around your eyes. If you do not wear sunglasses or use sunscreen regularly then you may develop wrinkles around your eyes due to exposure to sunlight or UV rays from artificial sources such as tanning beds, sun lamps etc..

1. Eat a healthy diet.

2. Get plenty of sleep.

3. Get enough exercise.

4. Keep your eyes clean and dry.

5. Wear sunglasses when it's sunny and bright outside (or indoors).

6. Don't forget about those little things that help keep your eyes healthy, like using a humidifier at night or taking care of them with some eye drops from time to time!

Tip 1: Eat a balanced diet loaded with fresh fruits, vegetables and proteins.

Tip 2: Get enough high-quality sleep. 

Tip 3: Get outside, carry something to read or do so inmething active.

Tip 4: Protect your eyes with UV reflective lenses and sunglasses when you're outside.

 Tip 5: Keep them hydrated.

Tip 6: Protect them at home too.


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